3/an environmental challenge that considered the total environmental cost (extraction, use and recycling) of renewable and low-carbon energy sources. The upcoming Fourteenth FYP will be crucial in speeding up energy transition and put China on the tracks towards a sustainable energy system.
Zhao and Luo (2018) predicted the energy consumption structure of China by estimating the long-term and short-term relationship between carbon emission intensity, economic growth and consumption of natural gas, crude oil and coal.
Download the full Enerdata report for comprehensive information on China's energy and climate strategies.
Achieving net-zero emissions in China’s passenger transport sector through regionally tailored mitigation strategies. Applied Energy, 284: 116265 Cao Y, Wang X, Li Y, Tan Y, Xing J, Fan R (2016). A comprehensive study on low-carbon impact of distributed generations on regional power grids: A case of Jiangxi provincial power grid in China.
On the basis of authoritative data, the research on the status quo and development trends of China''s energy sources is carried out. The world energy status is analyzed systematically in terms of oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, and renewable energy. Sequentially, the domestic energy resources status, including the reserves, production, and …
The study conducted clustering analysis on collected scenarios and identified four types of net-zero energy system paths for China: strengthened carbon sequestration (CS+), …
Based on a real-world case study of a typical domestic waste battery recycling enterprise in China, material flow analysis and cost-benefit analysis were conducted to study the development of the ...
De zeer snelle ontwikkeling van China sinds de start van economische hervormingen in 1979, als gevolg waarvan het land sinds 2010 in omvang de tweede economie ter wereld is, heeft geleid tot een verandering in de internationale machtsverhoudingen. China is een sterk voorstander van het Westfaalse model van soevereiniteit als basis
For the role of new energy transition in promoting China''s economy, this study uses the MS-VAR model as the empirical analysis model and completes the nonlinear analysis …
Analysis have shown that to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, China needs to take immediate action, strive to follow the 1.5 ∘ C pathway set in the Paris Agreement and …
Analysing China''s energy policy on the basis of the last eight FYPs confirms most of the research carried out on the evolution of Chinese energy policy and on the set up of a low …
Materials stocked in infrastructure provide necessary personal and economic services, and are also closely linked with massive resource extraction, energy consumption and waste generation. To support policy deliberations toward regional harmony and sustainable development, this paper examines the temporal change during 1978–2008 and spatial patterns …
To identify the possible transition pathways of China''s energy system, this study presents a scenario-based assessment using the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) …
After China''s reform and opening in 1978, the economy expanded rapidly. ... find that only large power plants turn out to be more productive, while Gao and Van Biesebroeck point out that the policy impacts show significant regional heterogeneity. However, the measurement of efficiency in previous studies is mainly based on financial data ...
This study uses the extended C-D production function method to measure the total distortion of factor prices and the distortion of capital, labor and land factor prices in China''s provinces and cities. The results indicate that between 2000 and 2019, due to factors such as the dual economic structure between urban and rural areas, human intervention in the capital …
Besides, although existing studies have confirmed the association between news media type and frame use (Luther & Zhou, 2005; McMenamin et al., 2013; Strömbäck & van Aelst, 2010), the result is mostly based on the analysis of domestic instead of international news reports is, therefore, not clear whether the findings from the framing of domestic issues are …
The CPON repository, to date, encompasses over 1.2 million records for over 900 plant species from more than 150 sites across China (Fig. 1), cementing its dominant status as a data center for ...
Land use and land cover (LULC) will cause large flows of carbon sources and sinks. As the world''s largest carbon emitter with a complicated LULC, China''s carbon emissions have profound implications for its ecological environment and future development. In this paper, we account for the land-use changes and carbon emissions of 30 Chinese provinces and cities …
Nature Communications - China''s transition path toward carbon neutrality remains uncertain. Here the authors combine Monte Carlo analysis with an energy …
China has developed into a highly diversified economy and one of the most important players in international trade. ... manufacturing, workshop, mining, steel, textiles, automobiles, energy generation and green energy. For Norsk Analyse, doing business within the marine industry in the region for years, a stronger focus on the ladbased industri ...
With less than ten years left to meet its pledge to peak carbon dioxide emissions (peak emissions hereafter) by 2030, China has entered a critical emissions reduction stage. How to meet this commitment in a context in which GDP per capita will double from 2020 by 2035 is a major decision-making issue for the Chinese government and people and one which warrants …
The pattern of policy change on disaster management in China: a bibliometric analysis of policy documents, 1949–2016. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 9 (2018), pp. 55-73, 10.1007/s13753-018-0164-y. View in Scopus Google Scholar ... L. De Boeck, S. Van Asch, P. De Bruecker, A. Audenaert.
in China was about 1.7-2 billion m2 during the past few years (BERC, 2022). One unique feature about China''s building stock is that both yearly newly added and demolished buildings are massive in China, about 3.3 and 1.7 billion m2 in 2020, respectively. The building sector in China consumes a gigantic amount of energy, both directly and
Explore the energy industry in China and its transition towards renewable energies amid the challenges of climate change. Discover China''s targets for CO2 emissions …
Based on existing research, this study will decompose the determinants of the annual CH 4 change in the agricultural sector into four factors: CH 4 emission source structure, CH 4 emission intensity, economic activity, and the population. The positioning and pattern of regional growth in China vary significantly, and as a result, so do the emission source structure …
Over the past several decades, China has rapidly depleted groundwater storage, and has lagged in managing and protecting this resource. As a result, dried up rivers, land subsidence, saltwater ...
In einem meiner anderen Bücher, „Mechanical Analysis of China''s Macro Economic Structure" (Mechanische Analyse der makroökonomischen Struktur Chinas), wurde die Arbeitsmechanik innerhalb der sozialen Wirtschaftsstruktur Chinas ausführlich beschrieben. Die zentrale Planung der Entwicklung zur Förderung der Infrastruktur und der ...
In the developing countries, the inadequacy of basic waste data is a significant obstacle for municipal solid waste management. To evaluate an effective waste management plan, identification of influencing socio-economic factors and projection of municipal solid waste generation (MSWG) plays a crucial role. Yet, several forecasting methods have been utilized to …
In this paper, we studied the dynamic evolution of factors driving China''s energy-related CO2 emissions growth from 2007 to 2015 by using energy consumption method …
The results show that the grid parity era of CSP in China is within reach, and ST is the most potential technology type. Based on the results of economic analysis and the problems faced by CSP in China, this paper puts forward policy implications by preferential loans, tax incentives, and R&D fund support to promote the development of CSP.
Increasingly frequent land evolution in China seriously impacts the sustainable supply of ecosystem services as well as the economy''s steady and sustainable growth. Driven by physiographic, socioeconomic, and transportation accessibility factors, China has experienced significant mutual changes among gra ssland, forest, unused land, and cropland over the past …