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Where is Bess based?

The Germany-headquartered company announced the start of construction on the BESS at its Eemshaven biomass and gas power plant complex, near Groningen, last week (8 February). Multinational utility and IPP RWE has started building its first battery energy storage system (BESS) project in the Netherlands.

What is the €100 million Bess scheme?

The €100 million (US$106 million) allocation is part of a €416 million package for PV co-located battery energy storage system (BESS) technology that was initially to total €41.6 million a year, starting in 2025, for ten years. The 2025 programme is set to open on 1 January 2025, and more details will be released to the House later this year.

How does a Bess system work?

BESS systems store energy generated from renewable sources like solar and wind, releasing it during periods of high demand or when production dips. Thereby they ensure a steady and reliable energy supply.

Will Bess be available in the Netherlands in 2024?

Building a business case for BESS in the Netherlands has been a major challenge for the industry, as detailed in interviews with developer-operator SemperPower (Premium access) and developer Lion Storage, with SemperPower saying that virtually no new grid-scale BESS would come online in 2024.

Where is RWE's Bess facility located?

It is located at RWE’s Eemshaven multi-technology hub. This is where there is biomass and gas assets alongside wind turbines. The 35MW/41MWh BESS will showcase how storage could be in use to optimize power generation. Moreover, load intermittent sources. RWE’s simulation of future virtual BESS integration is scheduled to be completed in 2025.

Who is involved in the Bess scheme?

Independent research and consultancy organisation CE Delft has been heavily involved in the analysis of the scheme until now. The scheme is open to all sizes of technologies, including BESS co-located with rooftop solar PV as well as grid-scale plants and ‘batteries of different sizes are allowed to participate’.


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First RWE Battery Energy Storage System …

Localized innovation is the key of RWE''s hub connecting offshore wind, biomass, gas and currently a 35MW BESS. The BESS will be personified as a hub and will give energy demand in each moment without …

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RWE starts construction on Netherlands BESS

Multinational utility and independent power producer (IPP) RWE has started building its first battery energy storage system (BESS) project in the Netherlands. The …

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Noord Holland BESS Project

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