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Is there a global substance flow analysis for gallium and germanium?

This study provides a global substance flow analysis for gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), and indium (In) for 2011, quantifying the amount of metal lost during extraction, beneficiation/smelting/refining, manufacturing of intermediate products, and the amount embodied in end-use products.

What methods are used to recover indium & gallium from EOL products?

The review highlights recent advances in pre-treatment and hydrometallurgical and biohydrometallurgical methods for indium, gallium, and germanium recovery from EoL products, including spent liquid crystal displays (LCDs), light emitting diodes (LEDs), photovoltaics (PVs), and optical fibers (OFs).

What is gallium & germanium?

Gallium is conventionally obtained as a byproduct of aluminum, and germanium as byproduct of zinc processing. An exception to this rule is the Apex Mine ore which has served as the only primary source in the world for direct production of gallium and germanium.

How to recover indium gallium and germanium from end-of-life products?

3. The recovery of indium, gallium, and germanium from end-of-life products The recovery of indium, gallium, and germanium from EoL products is currently carried out using different technologies such as pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and biohydrometallurgy.

Why did China impose export restrictions on gallium & germanium?

China said on Monday it will impose export restrictions from Aug. 1 on some gallium and germanium products, metals used in computer chips and other products, to protect national security interests. Here are some facts about gallium and germanium: WHERE IS GERMANIUM FOUND?

What are the geochemical signatures of gallium and thallium in China?

geochemical signatures of gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), thallium (Tl), and cadmium (Cd) in China to investigate the distribution characteristics and forming conditions of these elements, and to promote their prediction accuracy and evaluation level.

(PDF) Gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), thallium (Tl) …

geochemical signatures of gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), thallium (Tl), and cadmium (Cd) in China to investigate the distribution characteristics and forming conditions of these elements, and to...

Le gallium-68, de la production à la gestion des déchets

L''objectif de cet article est de présenter le 68 Ga depuis sa production jusqu''à la gestion de ses déchets. Le 68 Ga, sous forme de chlorure de gallium-68 (68 GaCl 3), est produit à partir d''un générateur de 68 Ge (germanium-68)/ 68 Ga, mais également par cyclotron. La chimie du gallium, qui est une chimie de complexation, est relativement simple à mettre en …

Recovery technologies for indium, gallium, and germanium from …

The review highlights recent advances in pre-treatment and hydrometallurgical and biohydrometallurgical methods for indium, gallium, and germanium recovery from EoL …

Gallium and germanium extraction and potential recovery from ...

Germanium (Ge) is a scattered metal with few independent germanium minerals, and no germanium-containing minerals are economically available to allow the …

Quantifying potential effects of China''s gallium and germanium …

China''s export controls on gallium and germanium exemplify concerns regarding the reliability of supplies of mineral commodities that are essential to economic development, national security, and transition to renewable energy. This report presents a new model that quantifies the potential effects of mineral commodity supply disruptions on the U.S. …

What are Gallium and Germanium and which …

China said on Monday it will impose export restrictions from Aug. 1 on some gallium and germanium products, metals used in computer chips and other products, to protect national security interests.

Australian mining sector exploring gallium and germanium extraction

CISRO is part of a multi-agency effort to study Australia''s potential to extract gallium and germanium as by-products from existing mining operations. Bauxite is a raw material used primarily in the production of aluminium, with most gallium produced as a byproduct of the bauxite ore refinement and smelting process. Gallium can additionally be ...

Germanium eigenschappen, geschiedenis en toepassingen

Germaniumsubstraten vormen één laag in meerlaagse systemen die ook gallium, indiumfosfide en galliumarsenide gebruiken . Dergelijke systemen, die bekend staan als geconcentreerde fotovoltaïsche cellen (CPV''s) vanwege het gebruik van concentrerende lenzen die het zonlicht vergroten voordat het wordt omgezet in energie, hebben een hoog ...

Gallium and germanium: What China''s new move in …

China is by far the biggest player in the global supply chain of gallium and germanium. It produces 80% of the world''s gallium and 60% of germanium, according to the Critical Raw Materials...

Indium, germanium and gallium in volcanic

a) The main end-uses of indium in 2014. Data from Polinares (2012). b) The main end-uses of germanium in 2014. Data from Guberman (2015). c) The main end-uses of gallium in 2014.


L''activité de Salindres a été reprise, en 1999, par la société GEO Gallium, qui a raffiné du gallium jusqu''en 2006, à partir de gallium primaire provenant de Stade, en Allemagne. Du gallium primaire a été récupéré, jusqu''en 2003, à Noyelles-Godault (62), par Metaleurop, à partir de minerais de zinc. Commerce extérieur: en 2023.

Gallium und Germanium – woher, wofür, warum?

Gallium und Germanium zählen zu den Sondermetallen, die in der Regel als Beiprodukt eines anderen Metalls gewonnen werden. Gallium findet sich in der Erdkruste mit durchschnittlich 15 ppm so häufig wie Blei, es gibt allerdings keine nennenswerten Anreicherungen.

The distribution of gallium, germanium and indium in conventional …

Comparison of the results shows that there are distinct differences between the supply potentials of gallium, germanium and indium: While the current extraction rate of gallium …

Identifying Germanium and Gallium in Electronics

Our study revealed that 7,061 parts from 308 manufacturers in our FMD Database were found to be at-risk due to the presence of Germanium or Gallium. 2,203 parts from 159 manufacturers contain Germanium; and 5,328 parts from 227 manufacturers contain Gallium. Identifying the most common parts containing Germanium

US looks for domestic gallium sources

China dominates global supplies of future-leaning tech metal. With a growing range of unique properties that are being leveraged in next-generation smartphones, shape-shifting robots, and catalysts that scrub carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, gallium is an uncanny tech metal that teeters on the edge of science fiction and science fact. Gallium''s...

(PDF) Indium, germanium, gallium, and other trace elements in ...

We report indium, germanium, gallium, and other minor and trace elements contents in sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, and tetrahedrite-tennantite occurring in skarn and skarn-free ("Cordilleran ...


Le gallium est un élément chimique, de symbole Ga et de numéro atomique 31. Sa température de fusion ( 29,76 °C ) lui permet de fondre dans la main . On le trouve sous forme de trace dans le minerai de bauxite et dans les minerai de …

Jahresproduktion von Gallium und Germanium könnte viel höher …

Die weltweit nutzbare Menge an Gallium und Germanium liegt deutlich über der derzeitigen Jahresproduktion dieser für die Industrie wichtigen Hightech-Metalle. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt Max Frenzel, Doktorand am Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie (HIF), das eng mit der TU Bergakademie Freiberg kooperiert. Frenzel …

Recovery of Lesser-Known Strategic Metals: The Gallium and …

Since the recovery of gallium and germanium from end-of-life (EoL) products (electronic waste: e-waste) offered a potential solution to address their shortages, a review …

Propriétés, histoire et applications du germanium

Les substrats de germanium forment une couche dans les systèmes multicouches qui utilisent également du gallium, du phosphure d''indium et de l''arséniure de gallium . De tels systèmes, appelés photovoltaïques concentrés (CPV) en raison de leur utilisation de lentilles de concentration qui amplifient la lumière solaire avant qu''elle ne soit convertie en …

China beperkt export belangrijke grondstoffen zonnepanelen en …

5 juli 2023 China beperkt export belangrijke grondstoffen zonnepanelen en chips China gaat de export beperken van gallium en germanium. Beide materialen worden veelvuldig gebruikt in de halfgeleiderindustrie voor de productie van chips, maar ook voor zonnecellen van zonnepanelen.


électrolytique du trichlorure de gallium. PRODUCTIONS: en tonnes de capacités annuelles de production de gallium primaire, en 2013. Monde : 570 t/an. En 2015, 730 t/an. Chine 450 Ukraine 15 Allemagne 40 Russie 10 Kazakhstan 25 Japon 10 Corée du Sud 16 Hongrie 8. Source : USGS. En 2015, les capacités de production chinoises atteignent 600 t/an.

China''s export restrictions on gallium and germanium have …

Aug 28, 2024 16:00:00 China''s export restrictions on gallium and germanium have caused prices to rise 1.5-fold in one year. Due to the trade friction between the United States and China, China ...

Extraction Processes for Gallium and Germanium

The present article provides information on uses, mineral resources and production methods of gallium and germanium. Both of these metals are used in advanced technology. Gallium is …

What are Gallium and Germanium and which …

Here are some facts about gallium and germanium: WHERE IS GERMANIUM FOUND? Germanium ores are rare and most germanium is a by-product of zinc production and from coal fly ash.

Germanium – Wikipedia

Med små tillsatser av arsenik, gallium och andra dopämnen används ämnet i dioder och transistorer i tusentals elektroniska tillämpningar. Germanium används även i aluminium- och tennlegeringar, i lysrör och som katalysatorer. Dess salter kan sättas till optiskt glas för att öka dess brytningsindex, t.ex. vid användning i ...

Export Trends for Gallium and Germanium | TRADIUM

Export restrictions on gallium and germanium from China have been in force since August. How are these measures affecting exports a few months later, and what is the current market situation? Frankfurt am Main, December 21, 2023 – China, the most important producer of gallium and germanium, announced export restrictions in July 2023 that have been in place since August.

La Chine restreint l''accès de l''Occident au Gallium et …

Le gallium Ga et le germanium Ge sont tous deux essentiels à la fabrication de certains semiconducteurs de puissance et de l''optoélectronique. La Chine représentait environ 98 % de la production mondiale de gallium en 2022 …


Gallium står i samme gruppe som aluminium og har lignende kjemiske egenskaper. Gallium er treverdig, som aluminium, men kan også være enverdig.En vannløsning av galliumoksid, Ga 2 O 3, er en amfolytt, så …


Neo Performance Materials produit du chlorure de gallium à Quapaw, aux États-Unis, dans l''Oklahoma avec 97 t/an et à Hyeongok, en Corée du Sud avec 105 t/an. Produit également du gallium secondaire aux États-Unis, à Blanding dans l''Utah, avec une capacité de 50 t/an et au Canada, à Peterborough, dans l''Ontario, avec une capacité de 15 t/an. C''est le 1 er producteur …

(PDF) Gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), thallium (Tl) and cadmium …

1 Frenzel M, Hirsch T, Gutzmer J. Gallium, germanium, indium, and other trace and minor elements in sphalerite as a function of deposit type—A meta-analysis. Ore Geol Rev, 2016, 76: 52–78

Global Substance Flow Analysis of Gallium, Germanium, and …

This study provides a global substance flow analysis for gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), and indium (In) for 2011, quantifying the amount of metal lost during …